Why Be Original? With Lissoni NY


Authenticity is at the core of everything we do as designers and architects at Lissoni New York. It goes beyond aesthetics and budget constraints; for us, lookalikes and knockoffs don’t have the character and craftsmanship that bring heart to a project. When you have a truly original design or piece–it sings!

My love of originality started with my first design treasure as an architecture student, saving up to by the Egg Chair by Fritz Hansen. Many people have tried to copy the Egg Chair, but it’s moot, my chair is something special. Therein lies the important difference between authentic design and the rest.

Naturally, this inherent love for authenticity made joining Be Original Americas an obvious choice. Understanding what is behind the shape that you see, will make you appreciate that added value about the care and craftsmanship of an original piece.

-Stefano Guissani, CEO of Lissoni NY