“The Fellowship offered Emeco an incredible opportunity to inspire the future designers of the world. We can future-proof the planet by educating the next generation to design sustainably.”
- Gregg Buchbinder, CEO, Emeco
Read More“The Fellowship offered Emeco an incredible opportunity to inspire the future designers of the world. We can future-proof the planet by educating the next generation to design sustainably.”
- Gregg Buchbinder, CEO, Emeco
Read More"You may find that not everything you learned in school is ideal for you in the real world. That’s why options are so great. Design, Sales, Product Design, Marketing - it’s all part of the same spectrum. Something you never thought you would end up doing after graduation may be the perfect fit. Don’t limit your experience. Don’t shy away. Try everything.”
- Cat Gilbert, Marketing Director, Yellow Goat Design
Read More“It was an honor to participate and share in this first Be Original Americas Worldwide virtual fellowship event. The times are indeed presenting great challenges for all of humanity but also great opportunities for the emerging students of the world to take leadership roles through design to help make this world a better place for all. The fellowship serves as an excellent source for further education and inspiration to that end.”
- Pablo Pardo, Founder, Pablo Designs
Read More“The Be Original Americas Virtual Fellowship has led me to my next phase as a designer. The real life stories of designers from various companies reassured me that passion has to be what continues driving my design endeavors and as long as I do that my ideas will be original.”
- Elira Duro, Student, Pratt Institute
Read More“My experience with the virtual fellowship has opened my vision of what design is outside of school, it gives me that dose of daily energy to want to know more about design, it’s very motivating and inspiring.”
- Sergio Gabriel Salazar Rodríguez, Student, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
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