Plagiarism or tribute?


In today's hyper-connected society, with access to an almost unlimited amount of information, plagiarism is a recurring issue and one that's hard to tackle. However, with the plethora of designs and creations that surround us, how should we interpret the act of copying? Is it a sign of admiration or dishonesty? 

For us at nanimarquina, it's important that customers understand the work of the designers and craftsmen behind the creations and how valuable creating and investing in something original is. We rely on designers and artists as well as young talents to broaden our perspectives, create designs that stand the test of time and improve our well-being. In fact, in today’s world, we find companies who not only copy the design, but the marketing as well, further confusing the end user.


nanimarquina produce one of the world's most widely copied designs: the Marquina Oil Cruet. This iconic piece was designed in 1961 by Nani Marquina's father, Rafael Marquina, one of the pioneers of industrial design in Spain. Today, we edit the Marquina Oil Cruet guaranteeing its authenticity, and respecting the proportions of the original design, as well as including the author's signature on its base. 


Marquina Oil Cruet by nanimarquina


Our rugs preserve and embody the memory of a past, a specific geographical and human context and a cultural legacy. They are handmade by master craftspeople with a command of the ancestral techniques of each region, echoing back to their origins while conveying an avant-garde and unique tactile beauty.  


Formula by nanimarquina


When a copy or knockoff is created, it's impossible for the counterfeit to carry with it the same cultural, human context and legacy that gives each piece its uniqueness. The knockoff didn’t spend the time researching color or learning the traditional weaving techniques in Morocco and thus doesn't have the same inherent value. If plagiarism of design is intended as tribute, then tribute is hollow in failing to acknowledge the craftsmanship and history of the original. 


What would you do if it happened to you?


Buy original, avoid copies.